Unfortunately Thailand will NOT be my Valentine this year!

Monday 17th February 2020

The outbreak of a new Coronavirus in China and the fact that it has spread quickly to other countries has dominated World news recently. Unfortunately Thailand is a major destination for Chinese tourists and very quickly became the country with the most confirmed cases outside of China. The timing of this outbreak has coincided exactly with my planned arrival on 14th Feb, Valentines day, in Chiang Mai for my first big motorbike adventure of 2020!!

I’ve had this trip booked since August 19 and was really looking forward to it, but having listened to advice from friends and family, and taken account of the UK Gov. statement that any travellers from Thailand should “self isolate” for 14days after their return; I decided to take the “safe rather than sorry” approach and pulled out of the trip the day before I was due to fly.

Fortunately I have travelled to this part of the World before, it would have been my 5th visit to Thailand. On previous trips I have had a great time riding through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar and this time I was meeting up with my two American riding buddies, Fred and Bo (Bo also pulled out by the way) to ride the best roads in Northern Thailand.

New for 2020 I have bought myself an action camera and this adventure was to be accompanied by a video blog which I had promised to post on my YouTube channel. Obviously I can’t do that now, but what I can do is compile and post a video montage from all my previous Far East trip photos and video clips so that followers can relive with me those great adventures.

My new YouTube Channel

So why not check out my YouTube channel and subscribe so that you don’t miss any of the videos I will post..the Eastern European adventure is coming up in June; that’s going to be a BIG ONE 🙂

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6 Responses to Unfortunately Thailand will NOT be my Valentine this year!

  1. Fred says:

    John, having a great time just missing your happy personality here in Thailand and Loas. This is no sign if the virus here. Just a lot less tourist. One thing not having you here, I get to ride #2 position a lot more….

  2. John Youle says:

    Understand your decision but I reckon Thailand is still safer than Bicester Village!

    • John milway says:

      Saw the news last night and Bicester Village was deserted..no Chinese tourists to be seen

  3. Jay Sides says:

    This is Jay from CA. I am going on their tour to Tibet starting April 8, 20 days. It is my hope that this virus will have settled down by then. Think about that trip.
    I do think about cancelling.
    Jay Sides

    • John milway says:

      Nice one, hang in there..Hopefully it will have all died down by April

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