The next adventure..FRANCE or SCOTLAND?

20th Aug 2017

The next adventure..FRANCE or SCOTLAND?

With the end of the UK biking season only 3mths away felt the need to start planning again! Need to get another major adventure in before the winter for sure!

I’ve always wanted to do the North Coast 500 in Scotland;

Last time I tried the weather was awful and gave up when reached Isle of Skye. Great roads and scenery but definitely weather dependant, so need a backup plan.

So having discussed this with Bernard, Colin & Matt we have decided to have the Massif Central in France as a backup. The Massif Central is an elevated region in the middle of southern France, consisting of mountains and plateaus. It covers approximately 15 percent of the country

So we have booked both trips; routes, hotels and ferry for the same dates 21st Sept to 27th Sept and will decide on 15th Sept over a curry which one we will do and cancel the other based on the weather forecast for the time we plan to be away.

So which will it be? Stay tuned…we’re going on a trip..somewhere  🙂

PS: Looking further ahead I am just finalising my annual Far East adventure..10 days riding in Thailand and Laos this time in February 2018…guaranteed to be hot and sunny there, away from the long British winter 🙂

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